KEMBSCFBS69DSBS DEZON S disinfectant based on ETHYL ALCOHOL with bactericidal, fungicidal, virucidal and tuberculocidal effects. Product for hygienic hand skin and surface disinfection. Suitable for use in medical institutions, food processing, catering and other companies where it is necessary to carry out appropriate disinfection. (group 1, 2 and 4 biocide). Also available in a 720 ml bottle with a sprayer/pump.
Biocide inventory number: LV22082016/6529
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: The product is ready for use.
@ For hygienic hand disinfection -> pour 3 ml of the product on the palm, massage and rub into the skin, the hands must be wet for 30 seconds. After disinfection, the skin does not need to be washed. @ Surface disinfection. Spray clean surfaces, equipment, tools or their parts from a distance of 30 cm with BS DEZON S or cover the surface with a clean napkin moistened with BS DEZON S so that the surface is completely wet. Spray no more than 50 ml/m2. Exposure time, depending on pollution, 5-15 min. Allow to dry. Instruments and surfaces do not need to be rinsed/washed after disinfection.
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